It's All Too Good Man!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On my last blog, I mistakingly ommitted my son

Jeff as a runner. Indeed he was, he could run from base to base and slide in with
the very best of em.
Jeff was also known to run up the stairwell from the basement white as a ghost as if the Grim Reaper was in pursuit. Fact is Jeff would be running from his older sister
Melanie who would be right on his tail frapping various parts of his body with her
bony knuckles. He always thought he could hit the door and then the gate and make
his getaway which rarely happened unless Melanie deemed it to be.
Perhaps this is where Penny got some of her outlandish strength, endurance and speed
in witnessing just what could happen using such powers to the male species.
Well one day it all culminated and Jeff bet Mel that he could beat her in a footrace of all races
around the block. Blocks in Ely are somewhat shorter than in perhaps say SLC.
Neighborhood kids gathered round on that fateful day plus of course Penny and I. Jeff and Mel, both in top form shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk, the gun goes off and away they run
screaming and laughing down the block and out of site. Well a few minutes later here comes Mel down
the last leg of the race which was our home, hardly drawing any excess breath. Jeff was nowhere to be found and remained so for several hours not wanting to be razzed by
Spanky and Our Gang.
I'm sorry Jeff, but you didn't really believe this skeleton could remain in the closet forever. Now did you? It's been literally begging to get out.

Love, Light, Oms and Stinky Fleet Feet
The Dad


tristanjh said...


Your playlist rocks!

Mudflap said...

AAHHH, a true appreciator of sound extraordinaire. I'm with you on the rap Tristanjh. Thank you.
I'm afraid thou a lot of my playlist sadly dates me.
Can you do a mental picture of the general gathering room at the old folks home say 15, 25 or 30 years from now? The fight over radio stations stands out in my mind.
It will be as I've alway said.
All too much!