It's All Too Good Man!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

High Impressions and Even Higher Hopes

Good day fellow and blogger buddies.
Corbie has lit a spark in me that even Lizzy's breath
at night has not been able to blow out. Yes, I am talking
lists. If you knew me at all you would know a person that abhors
lists. Even a shopping list can throw me into convulsions if it happens
at the wrong minute in time and space. Damn them all I say and from
this will emerge a newer and better Mudflap. Maybe. I am going to attenpt
the making of a best song list. Knowing I could not possibly narrow it down
to ten and figuring that I am almost 2 and a half times older than Corbie
therefore have most likely have 2 and 1/2 as many songs playing in my head
sometimes many at once time, I will give myself a break and narrow it down
to say 20 or 25. That should be fair enough. Should I ever do this with movies
I probably could take it down to 15 as I havn't viewed that many movies in the
last 10 to 15 years.
Now I am doing this although there is a blog going almost constantly thru my
mind of something most of you would find hard to believe but you would have
to believe it because it comes from Muflap Serious. To tell you much about it
would give it away possibly but know that it involves a paratrooper and more
money than I have ever seen in my life. So should I forget after the Music List
don't be afraid to bring it to my attention, in fact don't be afraid to bring
anything to my attention even thou I am father of Penny Lane.
Now I must go out and rake my fallen apples into a pile and see if they
will turn to compost by next spring.
To all a fantastic weekend.
Love Light Spirit and Om to all
Mudflap McFly


tristanjh said...

Just because you are older than Corb doesn't mean you have more songs in your repretoire. Did you see her list? She listens to the most random shit that was produced long before she was born and probably before you were born. I guess the advantage you have is that you actually have fewer to choose from because she can still remember all of them! :)

Mudflap said...

You have made a very interesting, and, sadly true point of the fact that she still remembers them. Susie couldnt believe how I could remember the lyrics to a lot of songs. Almost total recall. Ahh but I see that is slipping. Yes I was totally blown away by Corbies list. Some of that stuff I had never heard.
Which brings us down to you Tristan, how is your music recall?
I know you have a distaste of heavy meatal and rap which leave us to.........................?
Mudflap McMusic

Corbie said...

What is this? I spend a day away from the computer and on the soccer field and you blog like a madman? I come back to two posts!

Don't forget that Tristan hates country like I hate mayo. And yes, I listen to a lot of random shit :)

Mudflap said...

Much better you on the soccer field than I or they would carry me away on a stretcher.
And for that Corbie, I will color you awesome.
Mudflap McMadman Across the Water

tristanjh said...

I like a wide variety of music. One one end of the pendulum I like classical, opera and broadway type music. On the other end of the spectrum I like contemporary music and some classic rock like Def Lepard and Aerosmith. I listen to a lot of popular music like Pink and Katy Perry as well. In the middle of it all, I like Bette Midler and can tolerate 80's music in moderation. And I'm starting to listen to country... but just a little bit! Mostly older country that I used to listen to in junior high and high school when I hung out with Corb. Good memories.

lindsey said...

Send some of those apples my way, as the grass grazing isn't filling us up.